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Keeping It Real! (Ecclesiastes During the Summer of 2020)
Keeping It Real! (Ecclesiastes During the Summer of 2020)
Helpful Summary or Gilding the Lily?
"Keeping It Real" Pt. XI
Keeping It Real! (Ecclesiastes During the Summer of 2020)
Ecclesiastes 12:9-14; Matthew 21:28-32
Guest Speaker
August 22, 2020
Isolation's Salve!
"Keeping It Real" Pt. X
Keeping It Real! (Ecclesiastes During the Summer of 2020)
Ecclesiastes 11:1-8; Matthew 25:1-13
Guest Speaker
August 15, 2020
Risking Wisely
"Keeping It Real" Pt. IX
Keeping It Real! (Ecclesiastes During the Summer of 2020)
Ecclesiastes 9:1-12; Matthew 6:6-18
Guest Speaker
August 8, 2020
Speaking Up or Shutting Up
Keeping It Real Pt. VIII
Keeping It Real! (Ecclesiastes During the Summer of 2020)
Ecclesiastes 8:1-17, Matthew 10:16-23
Guest Speaker
August 1, 2020
"Death is Life's Best Invention" - Steve Jobs
"Keeping It Real" Pt. VII
Keeping It Real! (Ecclesiastes During the Summer of 2020)
Ecclesiastes 7:1-12; Matthew 5:3-12
Guest Speaker
July 25, 2020
Pentecost 7A Home Prayers - July 19, 2020
Keeping It Real! (Ecclesiastes During the Summer of 2020)
Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:6
Guest Speaker
July 18, 2020
The Mind's Best Operating Practice
"Keeping It Real" Pt. V
Keeping It Real! (Ecclesiastes During the Summer of 2020)
Eccesiastes 5:1-7 and Matthew 13:1-9
Guest Speaker
July 11, 2020
Keeping it Real Pt. IV
Keeping It Real! (Ecclesiastes During the Summer of 2020)
Ecclesiastes 4
Guest Speaker
July 4, 2020
The Flow: Pt. III of "Keeping It Real"
Home Prayers Service for Pentecost 4A
Keeping It Real! (Ecclesiastes During the Summer of 2020)
Ecclesiastes 3 and Matthew 13:24-30
Guest Speaker
June 27, 2020
The Master Key
Pt. II of "Keeping It Real" (Summer Study on the Book of Ecclesiastes)
Keeping It Real! (Ecclesiastes During the Summer of 2020)
Ecclesiastes 1:12-13, 2:1-13, 24-26; Matthew 11:16-19, 28-30
Guest Speaker
June 20, 2020
Life is a Breath!
Pt. 1 of "Keeping It Real!"
Keeping It Real! (Ecclesiastes During the Summer of 2020)
Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 and Matthew 6:25-34
Guest Speaker
June 13, 2020
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