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During July and August the Mission Council members would like to visit every member of our parish in order to better understand how people are feeling about their involvement at St. Matthew and if there are ways we might better work together for the sake of our mission to become a vital, attractive and sustainable community of faith in the Anglican Church of Canada tradition.  Our chief purpose in visiting the members of the parish is to listen.  We hope to hear your interests, concerns and ideas, those things that you're passionate about.  We also hope to provide you with information that will better aid you in making decisions about how you might support St. Matthew by your service and through your financial gifts.  We hope that all our visits will be informal (they can take place in any environment in which you feel comfortable), relaxed and helpful. The Mission Council is excited about the potential of these visits to give insight and direction as we work together with Bishop Melissa to put the future of this parish on a solid foundation.