Dear Friends,

"The New Connections Group" has been meeting to plan new spiritual growth opportunities for 2021.  Recently we reached out to Ruth Jackson who facilitated a "Welcoming Prayer Practice" this past Lent.  She proposes to offer a book study and practice on Centering Prayer, a form of Christian contemplation.  I have found this type of prayer very beneficial.  This would be followed by another opportunity to practice "Welcoming Prayer" during Lent.  There will also be an opportunity to attend a 1.5 hr. seminar by a well known Centering Prayer instructor on Feb 14th.  All in all what she is suggesting looks fabulous.  If you're looking to deepen your prayer life in 2021 this may be for you! Here is what she proposes for 2021:
Three opportunities: 
*Wednesday , January 6- 7:00-8:00 : First night of Centering Prayer Book discussion and prayer. January 13,20,27, February 3,10.  Participant will need to buy book and commit to studying selections from it (short readings)
*Saturday February 14, Centre for Spiritual Renewal  teaching of Centering Prayer with Gene Fraser (1.5 hours)
*Wednesday , 7:00-8:00, February 17, First night 40 days Welcoming Practice
March 24 Last day.  A Binder with material will need to be purchased. The 40 Welcoming  Practice is the same binder so only new people would have to purchase them. 
Please let me know if you are interested or have any questions.
Growing together in Christ,