Dear Friends,

I'm beginning this week with an invitation to worship! I know it can be hard to worship around a computer screen; as one of our Wardens said at our Council meeting this past week, "it sucks!"  I get it! I was watching the Consecration service for our new Bishop last Saturday and it was difficult to worship though I was helped by having Denise with me.  At the same time, I think we lose more by simply stopping the effort to worship in this way, unsatisfying as it is for many of us.  I need to remind myself that God is present whether I'm sitting in a pew or standing at my kitchen counter watching a screen.  Those of us who stay connected and continue in some form of spiritual practice will have something to build on when things "get back to normal."  So with that exhortation (to myself as well!) I invite you to our service this coming Sunday at 11:00 a.m.  I also put out a special invite to a cool service that will be happening on Sunday evening.  I'll let Jolette explain:
Join us for a beautiful Candlemas service with choral music in the tradition of Evensong on Sunday evening, January 31, at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom. Click here to register:
We encourage you to have a candle nearby to light during the service.   If you use prayer candles throughout the year, please have them with you so that they can be blessed to serve as a symbol of Christ, the Light of the World.  Candlemas commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the temple and the purification of his mother, Mary. It falls on February 2, which is traditionally the 40th day of, and the conclusion of the Christmas–Epiphany season, and marks the turning of our hearts towards Lent. 
This year our Annual Vestry Meeting will take place virtually; it will take place on Feb 28th at 12:30 p.m. right after the service.  We will attempt to email or snail mail or drop off the annual report and agenda sometime before Feb 17th.  Because the meeting will be on Zoom it will be quite simple but we hope you can all feel included by reading the report in advance and then sending emails to the parish or dropping off notes with your questions or comments.
So, another note, as 2021 unfolds it would be fun to keep a running tally of how many folks in the parish have been vaccinated so if you'd like, send me a note that reads "I got jabbed and it feels good" or something like that.  I'll update the totals weekly and we can all be encouraged that progress in the fight against Covid is being made.
A service opportunity: Right now we have one regular running the sound and video equipment on Sunday mornings.  I know we have a couple of folks who have been trained (somewhat).  If you've had a bit of training or would like to start let us know so we can schedule in others to help with this crucial ministry.  It's not realistic that Belinda will be able to continue to do this every week :)  Belinda says its "easy peasy" because most everything is "preset."
I hope you're having a good week and I hope to pray with you Sunday!
In Christ,