Hi Friends,

Greetings to you on this fine day.  It's hard to believe that it's November already; I would imagine that Santa's sleigh is already in the shop getting tuned up. 
Tonight I'll be giving a session on "Anglican Distinctives" as part of the "Christian Primer" course.  Here is the Zoom link for those of you wanting to join us at 7 p.m.https://zoom.us/j/95597353353?pwd=OWtzTXRDVzYzVmxUMHlWcGQ0MVEvUT09
Tonight there will also be a Compline service with a fellowship time starting at 8:30 pm.  Please consult the website to find out more.
We continue to believe that church service gatherings are possible in a safe and beautiful way.  As a council, we recognize that the present configuration is challenging and "not like it was."  Our spiritual health is too important to stop our gatherings altogether so as long as we can pull them off safely we will continue.
The Food Drive contest with Peace Lutheran went wonderfully; St. Matthew folk donated over a 1000 lbs of food stuffs! Congrats everyone!  The winner will be announced shortly.  
Yard clean-up and winterizing at St. Matthew's Saturday, November 7th from 9 am-12 pm.  Please dress for the weather which is is supposed to involve sunshine! please bring your own gloves and a rake if you have one.
In Christ, with Christ, through Christ,