
Isaiah 32:1-5, 16-18; Colossians 3:12-17; Matthew 10:40-42
Canada: On a Righteous Journey

"What does it mean to be Canadian?" or "What is Canada's role in the world;" good questions; there's maybe even some Canadians who are talking about them on this momentous weekend but maybe a more important question is "Where is Canada going?" Fr. Allen explores this question via questioning the relationship of "the body politic" and "the Body of Christ."  Is there a relationship? How does this relate to God and what it means to live as a servant of God's Mission as well as a citizen of Canada? Have a listen and then discuss with a friend.  God knows that agreement on this issue isn't likely but engagement in the questions and then, further, acting on or convictions is always the first step to becoming a nations that reflects God's Righteousness.