Welcome to Saint Matthew.

Please watch our welcome video to get to know our parish better.

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What time is your service
....and what can I expect?

Join us every Sunday at 10:00 am! 

Unfamiliar with Anglican services? Here's a bit of what you can expect.
You'll want to grab a bulletin located on the table as you enter our front doors. The bulletins guide us through the order of service so you'll know what songs to sing and how to participate more fully. Feel free to join in as you feel comfortable. We also take part in communion together, or as we call it, Holy Eucharist. During this time you'll be given a small wafer (gluten-free options are available, feel free to request). You'll also be presented with the common cup which you are welcome to drink from or touch instead. 
Godly play or activity packages are available for children during the service and a family room is available for both parents and their kids.  
Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am at 2010 Guilford Drive, Abbotsford, BC, V2S 5R2 for worship. Coffee and snacks are often served afterwards.
If you'd like an even better sense of what you can expect during our service feel free to watch our welcome video.

We have a podcast!

Join two of our parishioners, Trevor Smale and Tyler Evans, as they tackle topics from saints to sacraments with honesty, wisdom, humour, and wit.
We are a community embracing transformation in a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment located in beautiful Abbotsford, BC.
Want to learn more?

We know it can be hard to find a community, but if you're curious about checking out our church we'd love for you to pop by. It doesn't matter if you come from an Anglican background or not, ALL are welcome.

If you'd like some more information about the community of St. Matthew please click the button below.

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