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This past Sunday, September 21st, was the Feast Day of St. Matthew. Our parish decided to celebrate this special day with a children's service and barbecue. It was wonderful to see so many young children in our sanctuary once again, as the pandemic has kept so many people away and worshiping virtually. We even had a few kids help to lead readings and prayers during the service. We'd like to give a special thanks to Trish and Dick Martin for organizing everything for the service, including creating an engaging story for the children to participate in. 

A few minutes after the service ended, Tyler Evans fired up the barbecue under the awning and started cooking up hot dogs for everyone. Despite the rain, everyone enjoyed eating a delicious hot dog with tasty snacks to go with it provided by Rose and some of the other ladies in the church. It felt great to be able to socialize and catch up with so many people that many of us haven't been able to see for a while. Thanks to everyone who was involved in helping make our barbecue a success, and to everyone who came on Sunday.